Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Listening or reading?

You're having a conversation and up pops the topic of a book you have heard in audiobook form.
Do you say "I've read that" or go for the more exact "I've listened to that"?

For Read:
Audiobooks are a novelty. Mentioning them inevitably busts up the conversation and if you say listened this always seems to happen.

For Listened:
Listened somehow seems more honest. I don't think its true that audiobooks are an easy alternative but then I wouldn't and there is a perception that classes them with waiting for the film as a method of consuming literature.

Its daft. Can't conduct a conversation and admit to absorbing a book in audio form - can't quite square conscience with not saying so. Generally I try to say listened and fumble it which just makes matters worse since the inaccuracy of "read" makes my skin itch.

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